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Various sites on the internet use cookies to record information such as shopping carts, whether you've been there before, and so forth. To read these cookies, you have to know what name they were set under (if Joe's Computer uses a shopping cart to set a cookie to remember what you've marked that you want to buy, they may use "JoesCart=MB1450, Cyrix200" so that they can remember what you have in your cart. In order to read the cookie, they have to read the "JoesCart" item specifically. For your convenience we've provided these utilities to restrict cookies from your browser. We don't condone them or use them ourselves, but if you wish to use them for whatever reason, here are a few good ones.


Cookie Cruncher

  • Version Number: 2.11
  • Revision Date: August 14, 1997
  • File Name:
  • Byte Size: 888,703
  • License: Freeware
  • HomePage:
  • Description: Here's a quick and easy way to protect yourself against Internet cookies. Cookies are believed to be harmless, and they might just be, but for all the wary people out there, we have devised a way to prevent cookies from being saved on your computer.The latest version of Cookie Cruncher works with AOL, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Netscape Naviagator. It now gives you the power to select which cookies to keep or delete at boot up. You can also view the content of the cookies and edit Explorer and AOL cookies.
    5 Cows

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